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Special Education Advocacy

Are you navigating the complex world of special education services in public schools? Do you feel overwhelmed by the paperwork, meetings, and unfamiliar terminology? You're not alone. At Whole Family Consulting, we understand the challenges parents face when advocating for their child's special education needs. Whether you are in the early stages of identifying learning challenges or farther in the journey, our mission is to guide and support you through every step of the process, ensuring that your child receives the education they deserve.


We are committed to advocating for the rights of children with special needs so they can thrive educationally and emotionally. We believe that every child has the right to a quality education tailored to their unique abilities. Our goal is to empower parents with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the special education system confidently.


Services We Offer


Special Education Consultations


Navigating the special education process can be daunting. We offer personalized consultations to help parents understand their child's rights, educational laws and procedures, the available services, and the steps involved in securing appropriate educational support.


Individualized Education Program (IEP) Assistance


The cornerstone of special education services is the Individualized Education Program (IEP). We work closely with parents to understand their child's needs and collaborate with schools to develop comprehensive, tailored IEPs that address those needs. Our advocacy ensures that your child's educational plan is aligned with their strengths and challenges.


504 Plan Advocacy


For children who may not qualify for an IEP but still require accommodations, we assist in the development and implementation of 504 plans. Our advocacy ensures that your child receives the necessary support to thrive in a mainstream educational environment.


Coordinate with Teachers, Doctors, and Other Professionals


Effective communication and collaboration are crucial in ensuring your child's success. We act as a liaison between you, teachers, doctors, and other professionals involved in your child's education. By facilitating open dialogue, we ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding your child's needs and goals.



Why Choose Us?


  • Expertise: We have extensive experience in special education law and advocacy. We stay up to date on the latest regulations to provide you with the most informed guidance.

  • Individualized Approach: We understand that every child is unique. Our advocacy services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your child, ensuring they receive the best possible education.

  • Empowerment: Knowledge is power. We empower parents by providing them with the information and tools they need to actively participate in the decision-making process regarding their child's education.


Get Started Today


Navigating the special education process is challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Whole Family Consulting is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards ensuring your child receives the education they deserve.

Remember, your child's education is a journey, and we're here to help you navigate it successfully.

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